The Element of Water:
by Dr. kac young

There are five elements in the practice of Feng Shui. If these elements are in balance within an environment there will be harmony in that environment. If they are out of balance, the people in that environment can experience distress in some form. In my previous article, we talked about the element of Fire. This article we will discuss Water. We are always speaking symbolically. Too much Water in a room or a house can over-stimulate the ch'i (life force) resulting in too much fluidity, no form or structure, and inconsistency. If there is not enough Water in the room you may experience, anxiety, the inability to handle stress, blocked flow, a disconnection to spirit and a combustible feeling.

The element of Water affects the sense of hearing. To keep the body functioning fully at its optimum capacity, keep your balance with the Water element. Water represents hearing on all levels. It means the ability to listen audibly to others, to ourselves and quietly to Spirit within. To bring this element into balance with the other four, Fire, Earth, Wood and Metal, you will need to make sure you look for excess or lack and correct it with the following representations of Water. You will need to add or delete these symbols depending on how well the element is balanced in your environment

The Things That Represent Water are:

  • streams, rivers pools, fountains, water features
  • reflective surfaces
  • cut crystal
  • glass, mirrors

Water is also represented by the colors in the Blue spectrum, grays, charcoals, midnight blues and indigo. It is also represented by asymmetrical shapes, free-flowing form, movement, and all natural shapes and forms. You could have a representation of Water with art depicting waterscapes of all shapes, sizes, types and intensities.

Water is about meditation and the unconscious. It always takes the shape of its container, so it is highly moldable and confinable. It has a dynamic quality in nature and can be helpful or destructive depending on how it is used and where it flows. A waterfall can be beautiful to look at, and at the same time be dangerous to cross or swim in. It can transform a landscape, or wash away foundations. It can to preserve us, or it can drown us. A ceremonial use of Water, such as Baptism, is present in many religions. Its use can be sacred in ceremony or playful as in a water balloon. We do have the ultimate choice in how we utilize the Water element because we have the power to design and shape it, restrict and contain it or harness it for its energy and power.

Water is symbolic of prosperity and the flow of life. Make sure it has a prominent place in your life so that your unique and special energy can flow out into the world, exactly as you want it to.

kac young is President of The Feng Shui Specialist Inc. Dr. kac young. For more info go to: For consultation call: (805) 927-2222.